
From Isolation to Integration


Fifty-six-year-old Ali Al Hamid was born an amputee and had lived all of his life with only one arm. Due to this disability, Ali’s existence was an ongoing struggle, and he felt alone and isolated from his community.

“I lived all these 56 years with this disability, struggling through pain and difficulties,” he recounted. “However, now, after being fitted with a prosthetic limb, my mental health has improved so much.”

Ali, who lives in Yemen’s Shibam district, never considered that an artificial limb could help him to manage his daily life much more easily. The International Organization for Wars and Disasters Victims (Alameen), along with King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) and the Artificial Limbs and Rehabilitation Center in Seiyun, helped Ail achieve a dream that before had seemed impossible to him.

After receiving his artificial limb, Ali was filled with hope for the future. “I was extremely happy,” he said, “and everyone from my neighborhood watched me with amazement and disbelief as I went shopping, picked up and carried my own things with my new prosthetic limb. I thank all the medical staff at KSrelief’s artificial limbs centers for their great work to support those in need.”


  • Fathi and his hope to recover again

  • From daily fear to a bright future

  • Hala’s Journey from hopelessness to hopefulness.

  • Emad’s Humanitarian Journey

  • Falling, struggling, then rising back up.

  • Muhammad, and his boundless ambition!