KSrelief Distributes Digital Hearing Aids to Students with Hearing Impairments in Aden

Date: 18/09/2022
Author: KSrelief

ADEN, YEMEN: Yesterday, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) distributed 300 digital hearing aids to students with hearing impairments in the Yemeni governorate of Aden. The project is part of a larger KSrelief initiative, “Institutional Capacity Building Project for Governmental Centers and Schools Working in the Fields of Education and Literacy for Students and People with Disabilities”.

The Undersecretary of the Yemen’s Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor for the Welfare Sector, Saleh Mahmoud, praised this humanitarian efforts which will contribute to improving the situation of students with hearing impairments. It will also, he added, be reflected in improving the educational process in the centers targeted by the KSrelief project which is being implemented in the governorates of Aden and Hadramawt.

The Director of the Care and Rehabilitation Society for the Deaf, Najwa Fadl, said that the project is important for preparing and developing centers for people with disabilities and would have a tangible impact the lives of these students. She stated that the project is funded by KSrelief, the main supporter of humanitarian programs and projects in Yemen.

The project will contribute to addressing some of the main challenges facing educational institutions working in the fields of education and literacy for students and people with disabilities by providing school equipment for 20 centers for people with disabilities and 10 literacy schools in the governorates of Aden, Abyan, and Hadramawt.

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