Recent News
KSrelief Distributes 200 Food Baskets in Chad
MASSAKORY, CHAD: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), distributed 200 food b
Supported by KSrelief, the Measles Vaccination Campaign Proj
HAJJAH - SAADA, YEMEN: Supported by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), the
KSrelief-funded Ambulances in Lebanon Conducts 57 Missions W
BEIRUT, LEBANON: The Souboul Al Salam Association's ambulances in Miniyeh, Lebanon, with the suppo
KSrelief Inaugurates a Fish Landing Center in Yemen's Al-Mah
AL-MAHRAH, YEMEN: Kind Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), inaugurated a Fish La
KSrelief Distributes 700 Food Baskets in N'Djamena, Chad
N'DJAMENA, CHAD: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), recently distributed 7

Main News


KSrelief Distributes 200 Food Baskets in Chad


Supported by KSrelief, the Measles Vaccination Cam


KSrelief-funded Ambulances in Lebanon Conducts 57
KSrelief Distributes Food baskets to Flood Victims in Aden’s Sheikh Osman District
ADEN, YEMEN: Yesterday, KSrelief distributed 359 food baskets, weighing 26 tons and 566 kilograms, to those affected by


KSrelief Clinics Continue to Serve Syrian Refugees at Za’atari Camp
AMMAN, JORDAN: KSrelief are providing ongoing medical services to Syrian refugees in Za’atari camp in Jordan.Patient num


At KSrelief-supported Medical Center in Arsal, Beneficiaries Praise Services
BEQAA, LEBANON: Beneficiaries of services provided by the Al-Amal Medical Center (“Center of Hope”) in the town of Arsal


KSrelief Clinics Continue to Provide Services to Syrian Refugees in Za’atari Camp
AMMAN, JORDAN: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief clinics operating in the Za’atari camp for Syrian refugees in Jor


UNHCR: The Kingdom ranks among the major donors to our projects worldwide
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA: Ambassador Khalid Khalifa, UNHCR's representative to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), recently
