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Resilience in Adversity: Khor's Journey to Hope


Khor Jhowar, a 70-year-old widow, stands as a pillar of strength for her family in the remote village of Chonch Mastug, District Upper Chitral. Despite her age and the weight of significant responsibilities, Khor Jhowar faces the daunting task of caring for her four children, each grappling with their own set of challenges.

Two of Khor Jhowar's children, a boy and a girl, are speech-impaired, adding an extra layer of difficulty to their daily lives. The other two sons, while living separately with their families, struggle to secure consistent employment as laborers due to limited resources and scarce opportunities for daily wages in the rugged terrain of Upper Chitral.

The family's resilience is further tested when their home is ravaged by flash flooding, leaving them without a permanent dwelling.

As the unforgiving winter approaches, the family faces another pressing concern – the lack of warm clothing. With scarce resources and the bitter cold closing in, Khor Jhowar's children are at risk of enduring the winter without adequate protection from the harsh weather.

Amid these adversities, a ray of hope emerges in the form of assistance from King Salman Humanitarian and Relief Centre. Recognizing the dire circumstances faced by Khor Jhowar's family, KSrelief extends a helping hand by providing winter kits, filled with warm clothing and blankets.

Khor Jhowar, in a heartfelt expression of gratitude, acknowledges the timely support provided by KSrelief. The winter kits generously offered by the center not only provide physical warmth but also bring emotional relief to a family confronting multiple challenges in the unforgiving terrain of Upper Chitral.


  • Fathi and his hope to recover again

  • From daily fear to a bright future

  • Hala’s Journey from hopelessness to hopefulness.

  • Emad’s Humanitarian Journey

  • Falling, struggling, then rising back up.

  • Muhammad, and his boundless ambition!