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My body was healed, and now my mind is healed


Salem Nasser, a resident of Al Khawkhah District, is married with no children. He says, "Now, I am unemployed and trying to find a job; but before the crisis, I was a fisherman in Al Mokha city. There were no problems in the area, and the place was very safe. I was so happy with my job as it provided us what we need to live the day.”

Chronic diseases have been very common in Yemen considering the health and societal collapse that the country has been going through for 10 years. So, Salem was also diagnosed with diabetes. He sought treatment and tried to look after himself, but it was just getting worse and worst. After that, the difficult days and living conditions forced Salem to leave his home and all his previous life

He says, "It was one of the harshest things I was forced to accept. I had to flee with my family to a remote area, and I could not bring anything from my house, it was just me, my wife, my mother, and my father. Fleeing was our destination. In the new house, Salem was the only breadwinner for his family. Every morning he was searching here and there for any job to provide money for his family

One day, and in the moment that changed Salem's life for the worse, he sustained a wound in his foot that was not serious at the time. However, after two weeks, he began to feel severe pain in the wound area which was growing bigger day after day. He went to many specialists to check the wound regularly but unfortunately th wound started to cause him many health problems. Until the doctors decided to amputate his leg.” 

Salem felt like he lost his life, lost his opportunity to work, and lived a lot of pain and days filled with sadness and worries, he could also see his family's sadness in their eyes, sorrow and despair covered every daily detail they lived.

A year and a half of walking with crutches, which forced Salem to say, “There was no way to accept life – I lost my home, my job, my life, and now I'm losing what’s left of my soul, I don’t know where to go.”

“One day, a guy called me telling me he is the coordinator of the Prosthetics Center, funded by KSrelief, in Taiz. He told me that the center will provide me with a prosthetic limb and will take care of everything, including the transportation to Taiz, accommodation, food, the prosthetic limb installation, and even returning me to my area."

"At first, I thought the speaker was joking, but he actually called me again to tell me that my trip was tomorrow. Only then, I had hope of a new life

After a year and a half of pain, Salem arrives at the Prosthetics Center, where the specialist and doctor saw him. The doctor told Salem that he needed to perform a correction surgery to the amputation because the previous amputation was not done correctly, which is one of the services provided by the center. After five months of the correction surgery, Salem returned with hope again. He arrived at the Prosthetics Center to have his custom-made prosthetic limb installed. Salem concludes his speech by saying, “Three days have passed and I'm able to walk again, praise be to God. The moments of training on the limb were tiring, but now I am smiling. My body has healed and so is my mind. Now I am very certain that I can work, and I will not be a cause of distress for my family. I will compensate them again for what they lost


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