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Luqman's Journey of Struggle


After he was hit by shrapnel from a mortar attack in front of his house while playing with his friends, sixteen-year-old Luqman Al-Ramah had difficulty walking and moving independently. The shell injured his thigh, breaking the bone and rupturing arteries, and he underwent several surgeries to repair the damage.

Luqman was not the only one struggling; his parents also struggled to find the proper medical treatment for him, and they did their best to keep him feeling hopeful.

"My injury affected the movement of my feet,” Luqman says, “and my entire body, and caused severe pain in the nerves of my thigh. I was unable to move or walk on the leg, and was in urgent need of physical therapy."

Luqman was introduced to the Artificial Limbs Center, which is funded by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), by someone else who had been injured and was being treated there. When Luqman arrived at the center, he met with a doctor who developed a specialized treatment program for him.

"The physiotherapy I’ve received at the center has played a significant role in improving my condition,” Luqman says. “It has enabled me to return to my normal daily life."

"My family and I thank all of the staff at center,” Luqman says. “I can only say to them that they have done a great job, and have turned my desperation into hope.”


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