Saad Al Magiat - Bangladesh


“On one of my visits to Bangladesh to follow-up and supervise relief aid distribution for Rohingya refugees, my colleagues and I stopped by one family’s tent to make sure that they had received the aid that had been allocated to them. 

A woman was living in the tent with her two daughters, one of whom was missing an arm. When I asked the mother what had happened, she told me that when they were fleeing to Bangladesh, her family was attacked; her daughter was seriously injured, and her husband was killed. 

This is just the story of one family. Every refugee has a story. When you are in the field, you witness the impact of what you are doing. This family, and many others, are completely dependent upon the aid being provided by humanitarian organizations. These families, and others like them around the world, are the reason why we keep supporting, keep giving. When you see on the ground how small efforts on your part can make such a big difference in the lives of others – you just want to keep helping.”


  • Youssef AlMutlaq - Yemen

  • Alaa Alghamdi - Morocco

  • Ibrahim Aldossary - Zaatari camp in Jordan